Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What does Capitalism have to do with obesity? How can we rethink change in the agriculture system to include people of color, the poor, etc...

Julie Guthman is an important scholar that draws attention to the role of capitalism, the organic movement on race and obesity.  She does some really important work. She also writes about the problems with using personal choice and consumer driven methods of change in the obesity epidemic.   Often people use the example of buying organic, local and healthy as a way to challenge obesity, but often this ignores issues related to class/wealth, race and immigration.    

Below is a link to an interview where she talks about her work. The interview is a bit dry, but could be relevant to many of your projects.  She touches on Fast Food, the food industry, agriculture, labor, health care, etc...

Julie Guthman on Obesity

Interview Description

What does capitalism have to do with obesity? Join Food Sleuth Radio host, Melinda Hemmelgarn, as she interviews Julie Guthman, Ph.D., associate professor of community studies at the University of California, Santa-Cruz. Guthman is the author of "Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism." Guthman challenges widely held assumptions about the “obesity epidemic” and believes "food needs to be regulated at the point of production, not consumption."

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