Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Place CAlled Chiapas

Here is a link to the film we started watching on Monday. It is a great film that gives you a lot of insight into the impacts of the NAFTA and the ways by which Native Peoples of Mexico have resisted such a problematic trade agreement.

A Place Called Chipas

The film does a great job looking at the way the Zapatista utilized what has been called a "postmodern revolution", because they put so much of their movement on the internet to generate global support. They used through visual culture, art, and music to gain the support of people around the world for their movement in Chiapas.  The film is about an hour and a half, but is def worth a watch.

See everyone this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Here is another relevant video that some of you might find interesting. Here we see Zach De La Rocha, the lead singer of the band Rage Against the Machine, discussing the political and cultural movement of the Zapatistas.


