Sunday, April 14, 2013

Indian Cuisine

During our trip to Super Bazaar, I purchased a bunch of spices. I love curry and Indian cuisine and I decided to finally attempt to make my own dish at home. I bought a variety of curry powders and mixes and spicy masala powder. Chana and Vegetable Masala are my favorite Indian dishes.
The recipes on the back were a little different than what I wanted to attempt to make and I was not sure what recipe to follow online to make the best dish so I decided to be adventurous and make it up. I sautéed some onions and yellow peppers first and boiled some potatoes. Many of the recipes I encountered stated to soak dried chickpeas overnight but I decided to use canned.  I made a milk/butter sauce and combined the curry powder and a bit of the masala powder. I added fresh tomatoes, carrots, peas, the chickpeas and the boiled potatoes. The result was different than the dishes I have had at restaurants but still similar and tasty. My version was less sweet and a tad spicier.
I very much enjoyed the class trip since I have never been inside the grocery store. I hope that someday I will learn how to make one of these dishes traditionally. There was such a variety at Super Bazaar! It is wonderful to go to a store with such a selection that I can see would be very important to the Indian community here in Buffalo. I'll definitely be visiting again. 


  1. Krystyana,

    This looks great! Maybe you will perfect your recipe and you can bring it to our pot luck at the end of the semester!

  2. Yeah I should! I still have a ton of powder to experiment with.
