Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Homemade Chicken Tacos

Tonight I made chicken tacos! One thing I tend to do often up here is cook for myself. This is a healthy and easy option for those living off campus. Cooking chicken tacos are both healthier for you as opposed to getting them from TacoBell, Moes, or UB campus and dines. In order to do this I bought a taco kit from Wegmans, put the taco shells in the oven for about 10 minutes (be sure to watch them so they dont burn). I cut up chicken and red pepper and threw it in a sautéing pan. After the chicken reached a nice yellow brown and the peppers cooked I threw it into a taco, added lettuce, shredded mexican cheese, and the taco sauce that came with the taco kit. Overall it was delicous and very easy to make. I recommend it to anyone who likes tacos, and for those who are looking for healthier cooking options.


  1. I personally like to confit my chicken if I use white breast meat. Its lean enough to be able to take some of that extra fat.

    After cooking a whole duck for easter I was left with a huge block of duck fat. It makes anything taste much better. From eggs to just spreading it on toast

  2. I love making homemade tacos! I actual like buying actual corn tortillas from the international section at places, like Wegmans. If you heat them up in a skillet, it takes away the natural taste a little bit. After learning about the tortillas in class, I wonder if ones bought in stores (from the international section) are similar.

  3. I love making tacos for myself as well up here in buffalo. Something I do to make the tacos even better- add hummus and smashed up avocados. Moes can't compete with that! I usually use soft shells just because I prefer them.
