Monday, April 29, 2013

Evolutionary Discordance

In the past 100 years or so there have been so many technological advancements. For example cars, elevators, video games, tvs, etc. However, people have not changed their lifestyles or genetically according to the technology. This means people still desire the same food, sweets. The brain associates the sweet flavor with high calories, calories that were once needed and used. At one point people had active lifestyles. They had to hunt, gather and farm in order to get food. They needed to walk to where they needed to go. This made it so that most of the calories they ate were stored to use at a necessary time. At that time the stored calories were actually used. Now a days there is no use for all the high calorie foods that people eat. The only reason is that the brain thinks it needs it. This is why so many people eat at McDonald's or that there's such a high obesity rate.

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