Monday, April 29, 2013

Baking an easy & cheap meal

Not having a meal plan while up in buff has its ups and downs. It saves you a bunch of money that you can either save or spend (saved me like a grand each semester this year) but also makes you spend a lot of time cooking. I eat a lot and I eat pretty healthy so that means I cook a lot more. Anyways, here is one of my favorite/easiest dishes I make. This pic was taken when I decided to switch my fish up from salmon to swai.

top left pic- pretty much all the ingredients you need. (lemon juice, black pepper, garlic powder, swai fillets, asparagus (sea salt not shown)
top middle showing you how hot shit gets in my kitchen
top right a rice cooker
bottom pic my masterpiece

How to make it:
preheat to 365
follow instructions on rice cooker
"real lemon" lemon juice that you sprinkle and cover the washed piece of fish with. If you want less of a fishy taste id suggest putting more lemon juice.
After youve done that lightly cover the fish with black pepper and garlic powder as well as salt.
Next take a oven-safe tray and cover it with aluminum foil for less of a clean up. Cover the sheet with olive oil and place the swai fillets on top. Wash the asparagus and throw them next to the fish. All you have to do now is wait for the oven to be at 365, throw it in, and wait approximately 17 minutes. Since swai is a thinner fish I think you'd be fine at around 15 but I'm not tryna bite into any uncooked fish so I just wait 17. Enjoy!

p.s plain rice is pretty bland but if you want a healthy alternative for a sauce you can put honey in the rice and it actually tastes really good. or get some sriracha like i do and dump that stuff everywhere.

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