Sunday, April 28, 2013

This is my homemade lasagna that I hope to bring to class tomorrow if my roomates keep there promise not to eat it! Lasagna is a fun and easy dish that anyone can make, and its fun to make with friends/family. I guess you could say its a mexican lasagna, because the meat I use for it is ground meat that is cooked with taco seasoning. Also, I used green and red peppers, Grandmas Pomoderro sauce from Wegmans, Barilla Lasagna noodles, ricotta cheese, and mexican shredded cheese on top. For me, there is no method to my madness. Every layer I throw a good amount of each item on, and than I throw it in the oven for about a half hour on 350 until the top noodles have a nice golden brown. What I like to do after is throw it in the freezer, I find that freezing and defrosting the lasagna keeps it more together instead of falling apart, but that is personal preference.

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