Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pork Sung

I always snack on Pork Sung, a Chinese processed food, whenever I feel hungry in my dorm room.  For those who do not know what Pork Sung is, it is a dried pork product.  It is brown and cotton-like with a salty taste.  Pork Sung has been used as a topping for many Chinese cuisines.  I basically grew up with it.  For me, I like to eat Pork Sung with a piece of bread or a bowl of rice.  Sometimes, I just eat it alone.  It is very convenient.  It does not need to be stored in a fridge and it does not expire for a long period of time.  It is even more convenient than ham, I would say.   However, the way it is made is quite complicated.  It is made by cooking trimmed pork with lots of spices and soy sauce till the meat becomes breakable and flossy.  Then the meat is smashed while being dry cooked for a long time.  Anyway, it is very tasty and can be a good source of protein when you are too lazy to cook.  You guys should try it out.  You can definitely find it in a Chinese grocery store or even Wegmans.

The one I have in my room

Pork Sung with Bread

Pork Sung with Tofu

Basically, you can add Pork Sung to anything you want!!


  1. Seriously, Pork sung can be eaten with almost any kind of food, toufu, rice, noodle, bread, pizza, or anything. I am wondering if there is any beef sung, or chicken sung?

  2. I love asian cuisine and would like to try this sometime. I was hoping there was a recipe for cooking it but it does seem a little difficult now that I learned it needs to be dried. Sounds good though
