Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Go Believe (Gou Bu Li) -----Famous stuffed baozi in China

Go Believe, also known as Gou Bu Li has very funny meaning if you directly translate it into Chinese --- "dogs don't pay attention/dogs ignore". It is a brand of stuffed baozi from Tianjin, China. Founded in 1858. It is also one of China's longest established brands. Each Gou Bu Li bun has exactly eighteen wrinkles.

In 2008, in anticipation for the 2008 Summer Olympics, which was held in Beijing, China, Gou Bu Li decided to adopt a proper English name, Go Believe, in hope that foreign guests would better understand and trust Gou Bu Li.

                            A traditional Tianjin lunch of Gou Bu Li Baozi

                                    Gou Bu Li Baozi being cooked

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