Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dining in Canada

     This past Sunday I went to Canada for lunch and to have a few beers with my friends.  I have to say the experience in this restaurant The Keg was much different than an American style bar food restaurant.  First off, for my side I was offered a salad or sweet potato fries, "normal" fries were't an option.  Also, as a 19 year old I cannot drink legally in the United States so it was a pretty cool experience to drive 15 minutes and be treated like an adult.  It really made me think about how unnecessary a 21 year old drinking age actually is.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun time but no fries to go with that burger? That sounds a lot like torture. Totally kidding but yeah looks pretty good man. I went up to toronto two months ago for SHM and it was sick. Ate at the crappiest motel restaurant thing so looks like you had a much better dining experience in canada than I did.
