Sunday, April 28, 2013

Drinking and Masculinity

This weekend I went camping with a group of friends to Allegany State Park for the weekend. We packed the typical camping food such as sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs and beer, lots and lots of beer. My group of friends usually drink more expensive brands of beer but for this camping trip we decided to get something cheap, which ended up being Bud Light. Now i'm sure as some of you know, Bud Light doesn't taste very good at all. Yet there we were around our fire, drinking Bud Light all night long.
Eventually I asked why we decided to get cheap beer instead of the usual craft beer. My friend responded with a very interesting answer, "because it's cheap and gets the job done". By "get the job done" he really meant that it still gets you drunk, even if it is cheap beer. This is exactly what I talked about in my final paper, males are supposed to drink shitty beer and get drunk, all while not complaining about the taste. It reinforces the gender role of masculinity and cheap beer.

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