Monday, February 25, 2013

Soul Food Junkies

Here is everything I shared in class on Friday. 

Link to the Film: Soul Food Junkies

This is the quote on food and race that appears towards the end of the film and that I read in class.  

"The reality is that in America there is a class and race based apartheid in the food system"....“There is no better example of racism in the 21st century than the relationship between black people (and other people of color and those living in economic hardship) and access to healthy foods. People think about racism as an individual act of discrimination from one person to another, but that's not what its about. Its about systems, its about structures, its about institutions. And the fact that black people live in neighborhoods where they cant get access to healthy food choices and white people can get healthy food choices, that is classic text book racism. You want to wipe out an entire generation of people, you want to engage in a kind of 21st century genocide, all you have to do is continue what we are doing: which is deprive black people (and other people of color and those living in economic hardship) access to healthy food.”

The quote is from an interview with Dr. Marc Lamont Hill who teaches at Columbia University.

see everyone this afternoon.


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