Monday, February 4, 2013

Twisted Lasagna

Instead of making the typical lasagna last weekend, I decided to switch it up.
I included zucchini, spinach, onions, ground sausage, chopped up peppers, and lots of different spices. I added a lot of cheese too (of course). I really didn't do much measuring of the ingredients because I was primarily the only one that was going to eat it, and I felt like experimenting. Next thing I knew my mouth was on fire after the addition of siracha, red peppeer, cayenne pepper, and some of my roommate's Indian spices. Never had spicy lasagna before but, I have to say, it was pretty damn good!


  1. I am not a big fan of lasagna but.. this sounds amazing. I wish that I was able to try some. I'll probably ask my mom to make it. Thanks, very creative.
