Friday, February 1, 2013


So when I was little my polish grandma always made me one of my favorite dishes of her's: "crepe suzette".

However she had an interesting take on the french dish: she would fry pierogi dough in a frying pan and then roll her pierogi mix (farmer's cheese, sugar, and other fun ingredients) inside. Her concoction was delicious!
It was a pierogi crepe! How awesome is that! Now I'm totally craving one!


  1. That sounds delicoius! Over break, I went to a restaurant in Toronto that was famous for their crepes. They had all different kind of crepes from nutella strawberry to eggs and ham crepes. Probably the best meal I had in canada!

    1. I love pierogies and crepes so much!

      Crepes are amazing because their actually not hard to make, and you usually have the ingredients already in your apartment/home!

      Here's a recipe!

  2. I love crepes! There is this cafe back when I live called Cafe Bench and they serve delicious crepes.
    The crepes range from the entrees kinds with mushroom and chicken to desert ones with ice cream, nutella and much more. The place is very welcoming, nice and clean.
    Its in Queens, Bayside area if anyone lives around there and wants to try it out.
    They don't have a website but heres is a picture that I took when I went;

  3. I had a benedict crepe this weekend at Sweetness 7 Cafe on Parkside Avenue! Another really good combination. They also have really great coffee ! I'm a huge crepe fan.

    Katie, I'll check out the recipe. I have yet to explore cooking crepes myself! Thank you!

  4. The only perogis I've ever had were at Richmond dining hall and I thought those were good.
    I cant imagine how good your grandmothers are.
