Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sea Bar

My roommate recently turned 21, so to celebrate we decided to try out a new restaurant downtown. After some research, we found Sea Bar on Ellicott St. It had great reviews, so we figured let's give it a try.

I was immediately impressed once I walked in. The lighting was the first thing that really caught my interest. It was floor to ceiling colors that kept changing.
It was the food, however, that kept my interest. I had probably the best taco....ever. And who would have thought at a place called Sea Bar?!
The taco was an appetizer, but it was supposedly an oriental style taco. Whatever style it really was, it was delicious.
The sushi was also really good!
To celebrate, my roommate had tried their oriental style beer, which to me tasted like a regular old Bud Light, but, whatever sells I guess.

Definitely a place to go to!!

1 comment:

  1. Megan,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I love love love Sea Bar. The lighting in that place is reason to go alone. Its chef, Michael A (Olivers, Tsuami, Cantina Loco, Mike A's) is one of Buffalo's best.

    Based on our conversations in class, I would push you to think about a few things based on your experiences at Sea Bar. What exactly is a Oriental Taco? What is that single dish teaching us about cultural exchange and the global movement of people and culture? What cultures are coming into contact here? How is Mexican cuisine, being combined with East Asian Cuisine here in Buffalo? And more importantly, what can this teach us about how what we eat is influenced by cultures and peoples from around the world?

    Im glad you liked Sea Bar, but I also nudge you to think about these other issues when eating.

    thanks for the post!!!
