Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hello all,

As you may know, Lockwood Library has an exhibit in their main library about food related books (what an awesome coincidence with the timing of this course!). With my help, the library has been purchasing a number of books and materials that relate to food.

I want you to start thinking about possible themes for your papers/final presentations. Many of these should be helpful for both choosing a theme and for the completion of your final project.

Here are two interactive links, that were forwarded to me by the UB Library, that you could use to browse their collections.

UB Libraries: Food Collection

UB Libraries Pinterest: Food and Drink

Check out what they have because these materials could be invaluable resources for your papers.  Because it is an academic paper, you will need at least 3 academic sources, and these links could be a great place to start.

see everyone Wednesday!


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