Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cookie Monster

So I just had an amazing cookie that my came straight out of the oven. My cousin had made them, and she is quite the baker, so I knew they would be delicious. She could tell that I really liked them, so she asked me what I thought the ingredients were. To my surprise, she told me they were gluten free. I don't know if any of you are familiar with gluten free cooking, but unless you know a really good brand or a great store, it's very difficult to find yummy gluten free baked goods.

The recipe was actually really simple: eggs, sugar, peanut butter, peanuts, and mini M&Ms. Of course not the healthiest thing for you, but definitely possible for a college student on a budget who has a sweet tooth!


  1. Wow! All of that and gluten free? Very nice, I always loved cookies with M&Ms in them haha.

    That's a great idea.. That sounds like a fun Valentines Day activity too!

    I wonder how those would taste with melted caramel on top..


  2. Oh boy! These cookies sound delicious. I don't think I've ever had gluten free cookie before. Actually, I don't even know what that means..
