Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Taiwanese Burger

Whenever I went back home in Rochester, my mom would prepare tons of Taiwanese foods for me to bring back to Buffalo.  There was no exception during the spring break.  One of the foods my mom made for me was called Taiwanese burger.  They were so tasty that I ate all of them before I realized that I needed to take a picture.  Therefore, I got some pictures from the internet which are shown below.  The Taiwanese burger is actually called Gua Bao in Chinese.  The "bread" is a Chinese bun (mantou) sliced open so that the meat and veggies can be stuffed inside.  The veggies are pickled mustard greens, grounded peanuts with sugars, and some pieces of cilantro.  And the meat is a slice of stewed pork belly.  The dressing is a special Taiwanese red sauce that is both sweet and sour. The pork belly, being stewed in soy sauce and other Chinese spices for 3 days, had an indescribable fragrant, and the fat tissues of the pork were so soft that they could melt in one's mouth.  Overall, I would say the Taiwanese burgers I had were very authentic.  Not only the ingredients were 100% home made (except the bun), but also the taste was almost the same when I had them back in Taiwan.  Taiwanese burger or Gua Bao is very famous in Taiwan and I believe Eddie Huang, the guy from Fresh Off the Boat, also introduces it in his show.  You guys should try it.  You would probably find it in NYC or LA.   


  1. Youre right. Eddie Huang, who we watched in class, owns a restaurant in NYC called Baohaus. I have never been there, but I hear the food is great. I also heard that the restaurant is really fun and that he blasts hip-hop inside. Here is the restaurants website:

    However, I bet the food made by your mother is better. Especially because they remind you of your upbringing and your family.

    thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes! I saw the restaurant. The restaurant looks fun and the foods look tasty and traditional to me. I will definitely go check it out. And Indeed, the food my mom made is the best. Every time I eat a Taiwanese burger from my mom, I feel connected to my family and my culture. I feel proud for what I eat. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Is this called Taiwanese Burger? There is also one this kind of burger called "Rou Jia Mo"(Chinese Burger). lol! I am going to wrote it in my final paper!

  3. Yes, it is called Taiwanese burger. And it is quite different from Rou Jia Mo. The bun and the ingredients are very different, especially the portion of the pork that is used. However, they do look alike. lol. Maybe there is a historical connection between them.
