Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Foods to Make Gains

One of the most interesting and enjoyable things we've done in class thus far in my opinion was when we all tried to budget a meal for a family of 4, and I remember a majority of the class saying that all the meals sounded crappy. To me they didnt seem that bad but I eat pretty much everything.

The pictures above are staples in my diet and Ill eat these two meals at least 6 times a day. The first meal is rice, tuna, salsa and sriracha. The second is rice, chicken, peas and sriracha. Ill admit it doesnt look that good but I genuinely do enjoy the taste and both these meals are high in protein, carbs, low in fat, micronutrient dense and cheap.


  1. Charles,

    it seems like you are a great cook. I think both fo these sound delicious. I hope you bring something in for Friday's pot luck!


  2. I agree the meals didn't sound that bad. I also live on a budget and it is always worth investing in some food that you can use later.

    These look great I have to try these out.
