Friday, May 3, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I’m allergic to a lot of foods. Nearly every vegetable and every fruit that I eat leaves me with an itchy swollen throat, lumped lips, and vomiting. I don’t believe that my body is so retarded that it thinks every last veggie and fruit are a threat. I think the pesticides they spray on the crops is what I’m allergic to and its super shitty that I have to buy super expensive fruit or veggies to eat them without potentially dying or being hospitalized. Its all thanks to the food system we have today, where someone far away makes a shit ton of food and sends it around the country… we need to go back to local farming so that we can know who is growing our food and know how they are doing it.
I learned that while you try to eat right by checking food labels and what not, you aren’t necessarily getting the facts of what you’re ingesting.. for example, if you buy spinach and it sits out for an hour, it loses a chunk of its nutritional value. I don’t know how widespread this information is but I had no idea until my professor told me… even the time span from when the food is put on a truck and driven to your grocery store is enough to diminish some of those super awesome great nutrients.
Before I walked out during my shift on some gangster $h!t, I worked at zettis which claimed to be an Italian restaurant as well as having new York style pizza. When you look at the counters of pizza, you see buffalo chicken pizza, barbeque chicken pizza, veggie lovers and you think, this aint Italian or new York, whats going onnnnn? Then you ask, “whats that weird looking one over there?”. They reply, which one? The baked ziti pizza? Or the chicken parmesan pizza? Its just weird that those pies are Italian because pizza is Italian as well as baked ziti and chicken parm, but that combination isn’t authentic Italian because its just two different dishes made into one. Since we’re a pizzeria, we GOTTA have wings and chicken fingers…. Cuz that’s Italian right?....

Lloyd's Taco Truck

Lloyd's taco truck is a traveling food truck that you can find parked in certain areas of Buffalo on certain days of the week. The food truck was created when two friends realized Buffalo had no cheap, good, street food options. The menu is small and is basically just comprised of tacos, nachos, and burritos but the ingredients are fresh and tasty and its very reasonably priced. There are four different options for the tacos and burritos.  I was very surprised when I walked up to the truck and found two, young, white college-aged people working the line. Relating my experience back to class, I assumed after hearing about the truck and seeing what food was being served, that the people who created the truck, and work it, would be Mexican. The food definitely had a modern spin on it. The tacos were double layered in tortillas that tasted fresh and homemade. The nachos were covered in queso. I was very happy about my experience and I would definitely eat it again, regardless of it's lack of authenticity to Mexico.